Saturday, June 15, 2013

Meeting Recap: June 15, 2013

Pearl, the chair for this meeting, opened the meeting by talking about the theme 'Celebration' and how people in the audience needed to celebrate the small things they accomplish in life. She then introduced the four speakers of the meeting.


Judy gave her first speech from the CC manual, the Icebreaker Speech titled “Me” in which she talks about how and why she learnt to speak up for herself in small steps.

Raj gave a speech called “My 'Ouch' Moment” where he talked about how the most embarrassing moments in life usually ended up teaching him the most valuable lessons.

Atika gave her ninth speech from the CC manual called “How to Really Listen.” In her speech she gave the audience strategies to listen well and explained why we need to listen when someone is talking to us.

Bhushan gave a humorous speech titled “Marco Polo” where he talked about his own experiences in coming to a foreign land.

In connection to the theme, Pearl held a Table Topics Session called “Give A Toast”, where volunteers from the audience came forward and gave an impromptu toast for whatever occasion was written down on their paper.



We have planned an extra meeting in the month of June- a potluck meeting on June 22nd. More information about the location of this meeting and other details will be emailed by the club executives in the coming days.

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