Viash, the chair for this meeting, started the Summer Potluck meeting with a few words about the change in season. He later introduced the two speakers of the meeting.
Atika gave her final speech from the CC manual, “Why should you change your accent?” in which she talks about her communication problems when she first came to Canada. She also went on to explain why people should not be afraid to change their accents.
Bhushan read parts of a story in his speech “An Inspiring Story”. The story about three mice who questioned their circumstances emphasized his suggestion that people should not be afraid to question things if they want to progress in their life.
Later on, Kenny held a Table Topics Session connected to the Summer Potluck theme, where volunteers from the audience enthusiastically answered all sorts of questions about summer, vacations and potlucks.
- The club will be moving to and using the EasySpeak Website in the future for all club and meeting related things like meeting planning, etc.