Monday, April 25, 2016

Meeting Themes (3)

This is our third compilation of meeting themes- a resource to help you prepare for the role of Meeting Chair if you are having trouble coming up with a theme. You can find our previous posts here.

All these themes were used by our club members in past meetings.

1. Summer Fun

2. Mentoring

3. New Beginning

4. Celebrate our Success

5. Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway

6. Exploration

7. Make Mistakes

8. The Circle of Life

9. Opportunity

10. Commitment

Good luck being the Meeting Chair.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Speech Tips: Story Telling

There are two simple ways you can bring any story to life when giving a speech. Both these tips deal with bringing the characters of your story to life on stage for your audience.

Vocal Variety

When you have two or more characters speaking in your story scene, it helps to define each character by a different tone of voice. For instance, one character can have a loud and booming voice while the other can have a soft and hesitant voice.

Just with the different tones, you convey a lot about the characters in your story. And more importantly, it allows your audience to differentiate which character is speaking.


Acting out how a character in your story stands, drinks or does something is the best way to add even more dimension to your story.

Picture this. A speaker acts out one of his characters giving a toast with slow movements and shaking hands? What do you, as an audience member, think about the character just from that simple action? You'd think that the character is either old, ill or a mix of the two.

Think of simple gestures you can use to make each of your story characters vibrant.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Presenting with a Projector: Making Your Slides

Presenting a speech can be daunting. Presenting a speech with a projector can make things even more nerve racking.

But there are things to make this easier for you.

In this post, we are going to go over some key points on how to make the best possible presentation slides for your speech.

Don't clutter your slides with information

Make slides with the basic points that give out the most basic bit of information.

Do not dump all of your speech information and text into the slides. That will distract your audience from your speech because they will be too busy reading your slides.

Less is more

If your speech is 15 minutes and you have 15 or more slides, then you have too many slides. Cut it down.

Pictures are your friends

A picture is truly worth a thousand words, but only if it is the right picture.

Ask yourself: Do I really need this picture for my speech? What does it add to my presentation?

If you can't answer those questions, then you're better off not using the picture.

Readability is important

Make sure you have a good font colour and a good font size so that everyone in your audience can read your slides.

Some good fonts would be Helvetica and Garamond.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Meeting Themes (2)

This is a continuation of our previous list of meeting themes compiled to inspire you and help you prepare for the role of Meeting Chair- especially if you can't think of a meeting theme yourself.

All these themes were used by our club members in past meetings.

1. Be Thankful

2. Invest in Yourself

3. Cherish the Moment

4. Never Give Up

5. Personal Identity

6. Always do your Best

7. Training for Success

8. Vacation

9. Democracy

10. Practice Makes Progress

Good luck with being the Meeting Chair.