Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Saturday, November 22, 2014

2nd Annual Holiday Season Food Drive: December 6th, 2014

The holiday is a season to celebrate, it is also a season to give.

Lambs to Lions is very proud to support the 2nd Annual Holiday Season Food Drive. All donations of non-perishable food items will go towards Salvation Army of Brampton for food banks in Brampton and Mississauga.

The 2nd Annual Holiday Season Food Drive will take place at Lambs to Lion's club meeting on Saturday, December 6th. This initiative was started by a fellow DTM member, Mark McKenzie.

Members and guests are encouraged to bring non-perishable food items such as canned fish, pasta, peanut butter, macaroni and cheese dinners, coffee (instant and perk). Other non-perishable food items are welcome. Lambs to Lions is aiming to collect a three cubic feet box (18 x 18 x 16) of items to help the community.

To learn more about this initiative, please click here.

To donate non-perishable items, please feel free to join our club meeting on December 6th from 11:30am to 1:00pm.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Open House meeting recap

Lambs to Lions had a successful open house meeting on November 1st.

To start off the meeting, Mike, the meeting chair provided us a brief history and timeline of Toastmasters International - just in time for the organization's 90th year anniversary.

Bhushan, our first speaker gave a lively contest-winning speech about his dependable friend that he cannot live without - his Blackberry.

Jocelyne, our second speaker gave an educational workshop titled: "Build it and they will come." She taught us some techniques and tips on how to structure your speech.

Then, the table topics master, Tiffany, warmed up the audience by asking some interesting and fun table topics questions. The guests had enthusiastic participation.

The guests enjoyed some free refreshment and mingling time with others while having a productive morning learning about Toastmasters.

Thanks to all who made this event an enjoyable one. Lambs to Lions is looking to hold more open house events in the new year.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Toastmasters World Champion Speaker 2014

A Huge Congratulations to the New World Champion of Public Speaking!

The 2014 title was awarded in August to Dananjaya Hettiarachchi from Nawala Rajagiriya, Sri Lanka.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Club table topics and humourous speech contest

Toastmasters International offers the club to hold speech contest twice every year. The most important lesson from participating in the speech contest is the overall experience. Members who participate in the contest are given the opportunity to test their skills and limits, prove to themselves their capabilities, and challenge themselves to do their absolute best.

Lambs to Lions had a club contest on Saturday, September 6th. The contest ended with enthusiastic participation from club members.

To start off the contest, the table topics contest chair wrote a word on a piece of paper. The participants came up to the stage to showcase their impromptu thinking and speaking skill by coming up with a short table topics speech. All participants lived up to the challenge and delivered inspiring table topics speeches.

We then had two humourous speech contestants. Each contestant delivered great speeches.

Although there could only be one winner in each contest, everyone did a fantastic job and all of them is a winner.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Interview with our Distinguished Toastmaster - Mike

Our second DTM in the club is Mike, who has been with Toastmasters for almost thirty years.Who here could ever imagine themselves sticking with Toastmasters for this long? Coming to Toastmasters must be a enjoyable and rewarding experience for Mike. Let's find out what pushes Mike coming to Toastmasters years after years.

1. When did you start Toastmasters? 
I joined Toastmasters in 1986 with a downtown Toronto club called Joi de Vivre (joy of life). I completed my Competent Toastmaster manual, the predecessor to the CC manual we use today. Helen Blanchard was the International President at the time and was the main instigator in combining Toastmasters into an inclusive male and female club membership. She joined a club in California under the name H Blanchard, when Toasters International found out they disallowed her membership. Her fellow club members, and many others in Toastmasters, rallied to support her . The following International convention saw the end to the Toastmistress clubs and the full integration that we enjoy today.  We receive the Toastmasters magazine as part of our membership fee, I highly suggest you take time and read the words of the International President, they have been inspirational to me over the years.

2. What is your memorable Toastmaster moment? 
My most memorable Toastmasters' moment was I completed my CTM award. I am now on my 7th and 8th advance manuals but still find the CC manual my favorite. Learning and practicing the basics of public speaking is essential, whether its vocal variety or gestures, the basic elements of public speaking needs to practiced, even after they have been learned.

3. What's the motivation that keeps you going until you achieve DTM? 
The previous question answers this question, practice, practice, and more practice. I found that my speech writing has improved greatly over the years and this is why I am on my fourth CC and continue with the advanced manuals, even after completing my DTM.

4. For those who want to achieve DTM, what kind of advice would you give them? 
For those looking to achieve a DTM I would make the following suggestions:
- Listen to your evaluators, and this includes the club members who hand you those bits of paper at the end of the meeting. There are hidden gems of advice.
- Plan your progress and work with a DTM. If possible find a mentor that can offer you support.
- Speak at other clubs if possible to get out of your comfort zone.
- Always have a prepared speech in your "back pocket" as you never know when a speaking opportunity may arise. As DTM requires 40 prepared speeches plus a number of other projects to complete the various requirements takes time, don't take 20 years like I did. And finally-- Don't forget to congratulate yourself. 

Now that you have hear from both of the DTM in Lambs to Lions Toastmasters-- Jocelyne and Mike, every toastmaster member embraces their own journey in the program. Whether you have just started out as a new member, or you are on your way to achieve a recognition, Toastmasters offers a kind of learning experience that will reciprocate the amount of work you put into it. 

Interview with our Distinguished Toastmaster - Jocelyne

Distinguished Toastmaster, also known as the DTM, is the highest recognition in the Toastmasters program. 

There are many levels in the communication track and leadership track that one needs to accomplish to receive DTM. After the completion of each level, the toastmaster member acquires new skills and experiences. Some may take as quick as a couple of years, and some may take longer but that is okay. 

Of course, the shiny DTM certificate from Toastmasters International looks awesome and we can proudly frame it and display it in our home. However, as with learning new things, it is the process that makes achieving DTM a worthwhile journey for every toastmaster to remember.

Lambs to Lions Toastmasters has two DTM - Jocelyne and Mike. Let's hear from Jocelyne what her DTM voyage is like:

1. When did you start Toastmasters? 
I started in April 2009

2. What is your memorable Toastmaster moment? 
When I received the news from Toastmaster International that I had officially completed my DTM.

3. What's the motivation that keeps you going until you achieve DTM? 
I wanted to make sure I was taking in everything Toastmaster had to offer. My goal was not as much on the Communication side as I had taken classes to bring my skills up to par but more on the leadership side. I wanted to improve my leadership skills. I want to become a professional speaker when I retire. Having the letter DTM after your name does have credibility. Although I will not do another DTM, I still learn new things every meeting I go to. It's not because you have achieved the highest Toastmasters has to offer that you know it all. 

4. For those who want to achieve DTM, what kind of advice would you give them? 
Once you have made the decision to go after your DTM do not stop. Don't rush because you will not have time to absorb the learning but don't take too much time either because keeping the momentum going is important. If you wait too long between your assignments you lose the learning. If you go too fast you don't take the time to incorporate what you have learned into your next assignment. To me the HPL (High Performance Leadership) is the culmination of all your learning. Take the time to choose your HPL wisely. Make sure it is something that will stretch you out of your comfort zone at the same time allowing you to incorporate every aspect of your new found knowledge. It does not have to be Toastmaster related. It can be something you really want to accomplish such as a fund raising of some sort.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

A list of upcoming events

Hi all,

Lambs to Lions is excited to announce these upcoming events for the new Toastmasters year:

  • September 6th: Club humourous speech and table topics contest
  • October 25th: Halloween themed meeting Open House
Guests and members, please look forward to them and feel free to drop by and participate.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Support our Club Contest Winners at the Area Contest

The Area Contest Level of the International Speech and Evaluation Contest will be held on March 12, 2014 at 6 pm.

The winners from the club contest- Jocelyne and Parimal- will be representing our club at the Area Level.

Jocelyne, the winner of the International Speech Contest, was the President of Lambs to Lions from 2011-2012. She is one of the club's DTM- Distinguished Toastmaster.

Parimal, the winner of the Evaluation Contest, has been the Treasurer of Lambs to Lions from 2012- present.

If you wish to support our contestants, the Area Contest is being held at the Peel Chinese Community Service Hub, Golden Square Centre, 1177 Central Parkway West, Unit 81, Mississauga L5C 4P3.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Club International Speech and Evaluation Contest

On February 1st, members and guests braved snow and wind to attend Lambs to Lions Toastmasters'  annual International Speech and Evaluation Contest at the Mississauga Central Library.

Tiffany, the chair of the International Speech Contest segment, began the meeting by welcoming everyone and explaining how the contest would run. Speakers had 5-7 minutes to give a completely original prepared speech.

The first contestant, Clark, gave a speech about the benefits of collaborative teamwork in getting work done. Jocelyne, the second speaker, gave a speech about her mentor's lasting influence in her life.

Tiffany concluded the Speech contest segment by interviewing both contestants while the judges scores were collected and tallied.

After a quick break, Pearl, the second chair of the meeting began the Evaluation Contest Segment. With a brief overview of the contest procedures, she called on the target speaker. Amel, the target speaker, gave a 5-7 minute speech titled "Follow your Heart: Don't Close your Eyes."

Amel, the target speaker at the Evaluation Contest.

After the speech, contestants were given a few minutes outside the meeting room to prepares their evaluation remarks while Pearl interviewed Amel about the content of her speech and her reasons for being a target speaker.

The contestants- Kenny and Parimal- were then called in one after the other and gave their 2-3 minute evaluations of the speech. After the contestants were interviewed it was time to announce the winners.

For the International Speech Contest, Jocelyne won first place with Clark coming in second.

Jocelyne, the first place winner of the International Speech contest with Area Governors Rajan and Odecca and Club President Bhushan. 

Clark, the second place winner of the International Speech contest with Area Governors Rajan and Odecca and Club President Bhushan.

For the Evaluation Contest, Parimal won first place with Kenny coming in second.

Parimal, the first place winner of the Evaluation contest with Area Governors Rajan and Odecca and Club President Bhushan. 

Kenny, the second place winner of the Evaluation contest with Area Governors Rajan and Odecca and Club President Bhushan. 

Both Jocelyne and Parimal will represent the club at the Area Contest on March 12.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

2014 International Speech and Evaluation Contest Invitation

Table Topic Ideas: The Impromptu Debate

Due to a last minute agenda change at our January 18th club meeting, we lacked a prepared Table Topics Master. Thankfully, club member Jocelyne stepped up and provided just what we needed to keep the meeting going- an Impromptu Debate Session.

First, she divided the meeting room audience into two teams and then provided topics like "Should cell phones be banned from cares?" and "Should the death penalty be abolished?" With such interesting topics, the audience participated enthusiastically.

Since this impromptu debate session was such a success, here are some very basic guidelines if you wish to hold or participate in such a session during a future club meeting.

For the Table Topics Master/Debate Master
As the one who will run this sessions, you'll need to
  1. Find and supply suitable debate topics. Topics can be current issues or even questions about general philosophies and ideas. The topic must be interesting and appropriate to the audience.
  2. Decide which team is "For/Affirmative" and which has the "Against/Negative" stance on the given topic.
  3. Keep track of the time for this session. If possible, give the meeting timer a guideline to follow.
For the Table Topics Speaker/ Debate Participant
No matter which side of the debate you have to speak for, the content of your debate speech must contain three parts.
  1. Assertion: The major point of your argument
  2. Reasoning: Explain why you believe your position is right
  3. Evidence: A fact relevant to the topic that supports your reasoning.
If you wish to argue against the opposing teams' statement, take the main point of their argument and show that it doesn't make sense.

Of course, there are many more rules and guidelines on how to run a debate session. If you're interested in learning more, have a look at the Debate Handbook provided by Toastmasters International. You can read one of the older versions of the Debate Handbook here.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Invitation from City Centre Toastmasters Club

Thank you to City Centre Toastmasters for this invitation.

If you're interested in attending this debate and would like more information, click here.

The deadline for signing up is Thursday, January 23, 2014.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

New Years Resolutions

Can a club have New Year's resolutions? Well, our club does.

These resolutions are a mix of what all our executives are working to achieve this year on behalf of the club.
  • Gain more DCP points so that the club can earn the rank of President's Distinguished Club by June 2014.
  • Provide more support to the newer members of the club.
  • Maintain better contact with the current club members.
  • Make meetings more fun- either through events or special themed meetings.
  • Encourage members to attend meetings consistently and complete a manual.