Monday, July 22, 2013

Meeting Recap: July 20, 2013

Pearl, the chair for this meeting, started the meeting by explaining how the theme of “Teamwork” helped all Toastmasters learn and grow. After notifying the audience of the changes in the agenda, she handed over the meeting to the meeting's Toastmaster, Raj.


Maha gave her Icebreaker speech from the CC manual titled “Myself”. In this introductory speech, she talked about her life, her inspirations and her family. 

Judy did her third project from the CC manual. Her speech, “Information Policy in an Organization”, informed the audience about the laws an policies in place about information being used. She detailed aspects like information loss and theft. 

Parimal gave a speech “On the Other Side”. She talked about how the grass always seemed greener on the other side and how we always want something that we don't have.

Kenny gave a speech titled “Travel Insurance: My Experience” for his fourth CC manual project. He talked about an injury scare during his vacation and how that made him more aware of travel insurance.

During the Table Topics Session, Atika called on audience members to come forward and give imaginary toasts during various happy and sad occasions.


  • An Open House Meeting will be held on August 17
  • The Humorous Speech and Table Topics Contest will be held on September 21