Tiffany gave the final speech from her CC manual titled “Keep trying, always.” where she talked about why we need to keep tyring even when we fail at certain things.
Kristina Johnston, a guest speaker, gave a helpful speech titled “Easy-Speak: How can it help?” She used a slideshow and informed the audience of a helpful program that can be used by Toastmasters' clubs to keep track of members' TM progress.
Bhushan's speech was “The Next Step”. In his speech, he talked about how Toastmasters started and how it came to be so useful.
Raj gave an educational lesson about “Impromptu Speaking.” He told the audience the best way to tackle any impromptu speaking situation.
- The new club executives were chosen during this meeting's election.
- An end-of-year newsletter will be published on June 30.
Members are encouraged to send in articles about their TM
experiences by June 24. More information about the newsletter will
be sent out in the club emails.
- On the final meeting of June- there will be a potluck
meeting. More information and details will be emailed once
everything is finalized by the club executives.