Sunday, April 21, 2013

Meeting Recap: April 20, 2013

Meeting Theme: Earth Day

Mike, the chair for the meeting opened the meeting by talking about the accomplishments of our club members. As the toastmaster of the meeting, Mike also introduced our four speakers.


Patricia gave her Icebreaker speech “The Story of my Life.” She told the audience about her life and her parents.

Kenny gave a speech called “Protect Our Winter”. He explained what we could do to protect our winters.  He encouraged the audience to do so by drawing on his own example of driving a small car.

Bhushan gave an entertaining speech called “The Two Principles.” He gave a descriptive retelling of the story 'Life of Pi'.

Rajan presented a speech titled “Why not now?” He talked about the seven principles of highly effective people and explained how we can be successful in our everyday life.

Molly conducted an Earth Day discussion during the Table Topics Session. She divided the audience into two teams and gave each side a different question. After a quick discussion amongst group members


  • Our club will be holding an Open House meeting on May 4, 2013. All members are encouraged to bring in guests.
  • The club elections for the year 2013-2014 will take place on May 18. Nominations will be collected over the next few weeks. Feel free to email your nominations to the VP of Education.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Meeting Recap: April 6, 2013

Meeting Theme: Easter- Coming out of your Shell

Pearl, the chair for the meeting opened the meeting with a a few words on the theme “Easter:Coming Out of your Shell”. Tiffany, the toastmaster of the meeting, introduced our speakers.


Cheryl gave a speech “We Welcome your Feedback, Maybe.” where she talked about the rareness of people (businesses) actually wanting honest feedback that may not be completely positive.

Atika gave a speech on “Sedona Method”. She explained how the Sedona Method helped her in her own life and encouraged the audience to look into it.

Tiffany conducted a Easter Hunt during the Table Topics Session. She asked the audience to look under their chairs for 'eggs'. Everyone had a lot of fun trying to find one.
The person who found an egg was asked to come up front and choose a question to answer.


  • The District 86 Spring Conference will take place from April 19- 21, 2013.
  • Our club will be holding an Open House meeting on May 4, 2013.
  • The club elections for the year 2013-2014 will take place on May 18. Nominations will be collected over the next few weeks.