Elizabeth, the chair for the meeting opened the
meeting with a a few words on the theme “We Create Opportunity”.
Raj, the toastmaster of the meeting, introduced our
guest speaker of the day.
We had a 40 minute seminar workshop from guest speaker,
Abbey. In his seminar titled,
how to get your audience to buy into your message”,
he talked about how we can get our audience to buy into our message
and move them to action.
his detailed talk, he held a brief Table Topics session to test how
the club members would use the lessons from his talk when they were
called upon to talk.
also held an additional Table Topics session in the form of a lively
debate, where members were asked to debate over serious and even fun
Jocelyn informed members about a comedy
presentation on March the 22
nd. She will be one of the
opening acts for Judy Croon at the Speaker's Think Tank's 2nd Annual
Showcase on March 22nd at the Noel Ryan Auditorium in Mississauga
from 7:30-9:30 pm.
http://speakersthinktank.com/member/?page_id=575 to more
information. You can even buy your tickets online. Ticket price is
$25 if you purchase online and $30 if you buy them at the door