Thursday, February 21, 2013

Meeting Recap: February 16, 2013

Evaluation Contest

Raj, the contest chair started off the contest by giving a brief explanation of how the contest would run. Mike, the chief judge, took a few minutes to go over the contest rules for the benefit of the audience just before the Target Speaker could be called upon.

Elizabeth, a toastmaster from another club who volunteered to be our contest Target Speaker, talked about how having a mentor helped her succeed in life in her speech "Secret Weapon."

Speech Contest

Elizabeth, the contest chair, started off the speech contest by introducing the chief judge, Mike, who gave the audience a brief explanation about the rules.
The order in which the contestants presented their speeches was decided by lots, chosen before the meeting.

Raj gave a speech titled "The Plan" where he explained that having a plan was the only way to reach your goals and ambitions.

Jocelyne gave a speech titled "To be or not to be is your choice". She talked about knowing your strengths and weakness and how you can turn your weakness into strengths with effort.

Tiffany gave a speech titled "I almost took it" where she talked about anti-anxiety medication and why she chose not to take it.

The Results

Nikesh, our Area Governor, presented all the winners with certificates and handed gift cards to the first place winners.

                                 For the Evaluation contest               For the Speech contest
                                 1. Bhushan                                       1. Jocelyne
                                 2. Viash                                            2. Tiffany

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Club Contest Speeches

In the spirit of the upcoming club contest, here are a few videos from past International Speech contest winners to show you what a contest speech entails.

1. "Crossing No Man's Land" by John Zimmer

2. "The Empty Chair" by Christine Robinson

Hope to see everyone at the club contest on February 16, 2013.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Meeting Invitation: Feb 16, 2013- Club Contest

Meeting Recap: February 2, 2013

Raj, the chair for the meeting opened the meeting with a Toast. Jocelyn, the toastmaster of the meeting, introduced our two speakers of the day.


We had two prepared speeches in this meeting.

Molly introduced herself in her Icebreaker Speech, titled "Choices I Made", by talking about how the countries she lived in, her family and even her job has shaped her into who she is.(Speech no. 1 from the Competent Communication Manual)

Tiffany spoke of a personal learning experience about communication and respect she had at her work place in her speech "Lesson of Respect". (Speech no. 6 from the Competent Communication Manual)

For the Table Topics Session of the meeting, Jocelyn divided the audience into two sections and gave a topic for both sides to debate over. Every person in the audience took turns either supporting or arguing against the given topic.


Raj discussed the club-level Speech and Evaluation Contest Meeting coming up on February 16, 2013. He urged members who are eligible to participate as contestants.
For the Speech contest, you need to have completed 6 speeches from the CC manual. There is no restriction for the Evaluation contest. If you have any questions or would like to participate, contact one of the club executives.

Jocelyn informed members that the District 86 Spring Conference will be held in Burlington from April 19-21, 2013. To register or find out more about the conference, please visit the District 86 website.

Pearl, the club's new VP of Education introduced herself. She will start sending out club agenda emails from now on.