Bhushan was the chair for the meeting. Raj, the toastmaster of the meeting inspired the audience by talking about his favourite motivational speaker's (Jim Rohn who can be found on YouTube) analogy that everyone should be 'like a sponge' and 'absorb' everything you can from your daily experiences.
We had two prepared speeches in this meeting.Cheryl gave her Icebreaker Speech, a humourous personal speech, titled "Cheryl".(Speech no. 1 from the Competent Communication Manual)
Surekha gave a thoughtful speech about meat production, titled "Forgotten Meal". (Speech no. 2 from the Competent Communication Manual)
For the Table Topics Session of the meeting, Subrato kept the audience involved and eager to participate by providing creative and imaginative scenarios to talk about.
Bhushan reminded everyone to bring their Competent Leadership manual to meetings if they're taking on a meeting role (Timer, Grammarian, etc.)Tiffany said that our club will be having a "pot-luck" meeting on December 15th- the final meeting of the year. More details would be given out via e-mails.