Sunday, December 23, 2012

Happy Holidays!

Dear members and guests, 

Lambs to Lions Toastmasters would like to wish you Happy Holidays!

Looking forward to see you in the new year with more wonderful and inspiring speeches!

- Best regards.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Meeting Recap: December 15, 2012

We welcome the last meeting of the year - a time to celebrate the end of the year and holidays, and a time to reflect our accomplishments - with a Christmas Potluck. (Is it really the end of 2012 already?) Guests and members had a fun meeting while trying out a variety of dishes.

Elizabeth, the meeting chair, started the meeting by talking about the theme "Connection" and how we need to do our best to connect with our relatives and friends- even those who we're not too fond of. Bhushan, the toastmaster of the meeting, introduced our speakers of the day.


We had two prepared speeches and an informative video session in this meeting.

Surekah spoke about the many different ways a person can be assertive in different situations in her speech "The Art of Assertiveness".(Speech no. 3 from the Competent Communication Manual)

Kenny gave a speech filled with tips on how to drive safely in the Winter, titled "Winter Driving". (Speech no. 2 from the Competent Communication Manual)

After the speeches, we had a short break to enjoy the food that members brought.

Thank you to everyone who brought food and made our Potluck a success!

Later, during the video session, Issa played two clips from the official Toastmasters website. "Finding Speech Topics" and "5 Public Speaking Skills".

For the Table Topics Session of the meeting, Mike asked a wide variety of Christmas/Winter themed questions such as, "What's your favourite winter sport?" to "What makes you happy?".


Since there is still some time until the next meeting in the new year, Elizabeth made sure that members signed up for all the roles for next meeting.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Meeting Recap: December 1, 2012

What a great way to start the month of December!

Pearl, the chair for the meeting opened the meeting by elaborating on the meeting's theme of "Preparation" and how preparing can lead to success. Bhushan, the toastmaster of the meeting, introduced our three speakers of the day.


We had three prepared speeches in this meeting.

Jacque gave a personal account of her past and spoke of her future aspirations in her Icebreaker Speech, titled "Who am I?".(Speech no. 1 from the Competent Communication Manual)

Tiffany gave a thought-provoking speech on how she learnt to converse with strangers and ask them questions in her speech, titled "How should I ask?". (Speech no. 4 from the Competent Communication Manual)

Raj inspired everyone in the audience when he gave a captivating speech about how change (going out of your comfort zone) can help you become successful in his speech, "Are you successful in life?" (Speech no. 4 from the Advanced Communication Series -Speech by Management)

For the Table Topics Session of the meeting, Elizabeth called two members to the front for each turn and made them debate on an impromptu topic. The audience laughed, giggled and actively participated in the session (even the guests).


Elizabeth encouraged each member to do more to help our club to grow and gain points for the Distinguished club program.
There are a few ways to help our club achieve points by June 30th 2013:
1. Complete all ten speeches in you Competent Communication manual
2. Bring in new members to the club.

Tiffany gave out more details about the "Potluck" meeting on December 15th- the final meeting of the year. Members are asked to pay attention to their emails for all the necessary information.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Meeting Recap: November 17, 2012

Since a good number of our members were attending the District 86 Fall Conference over the weekened, we had a relatively small meeting. Even so, we managed to cram a lot of things into our meeting.

Bhushan was the chair for the meeting. Raj, the toastmaster of the meeting inspired the audience by talking about his favourite motivational speaker's (Jim Rohn who can be found on YouTube) analogy that everyone should be 'like a sponge' and 'absorb' everything you can from your daily experiences.


We had two prepared speeches in this meeting.

Cheryl gave her Icebreaker Speech, a humourous personal speech, titled "Cheryl".(Speech no. 1 from the Competent Communication Manual)

Surekha gave a thoughtful speech about meat production, titled "Forgotten Meal". (Speech no. 2 from the Competent Communication Manual)

For the Table Topics Session of the meeting, Subrato kept the audience involved and eager to participate by providing creative and imaginative scenarios to talk about.


Bhushan reminded everyone to bring their Competent Leadership manual to meetings if they're taking on a meeting role (Timer, Grammarian, etc.)

Tiffany said that our club will be having a "pot-luck" meeting on December 15th- the final meeting of the year. More details would be given out via e-mails.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Meeting Recap: November 3, 2012

Susan, the toastmaster for the meeting, started the meeting with a thoughtful talk about the unpredictability of weather which went nice with the meeting theme "Mother Nature".


We had three prepared speeches in this meeting.

Kin Fung gave his Icebreaker Speech titled "About Kin Fung".(Speech no. 1 from the Competent Communication Manual)

Bhushan gave a humourous personal speech titled "Star Trek". (Speech no. 1 from the Advanced Communication Manual- The Entertaining Speaker)

Elizabeth gave a demonstration speech titled "Canoe" where she taught the audience how to make paper boats/canoes. (Speech no. 3 from the Advanced  Communication Manual- Speaking to Inform)

For the Table Topics Session of the meeting, Gavin kept the audience entertained and interested by providing props as the 'topic' for speakers.


-Elizabeth, our club President had a few things to share
  • The Division C Table Topics and Humourous Speech contest will be on November 6th, 2012 from 6:30 to 9:30 pm at the Malton Community Center 3540 Morning Star Drive Mississauga, Ontario L4T 1Y2
  • The District 86 Fall Conference: A Time for Leadership will be held in Kitchener from November 16-18, 2012.
  • Christmas Pot-luck Meeting- the club is planning to make the last meeting of the year on December 15th, a special meeting. More information for this will be provided later.
- Susan reminded everyone to bring their Competant Leadership Manual to meetings with them. If you have a meeting role (grammarian, speech evaluator, etc) then you can give this manual to another member and have them evaluate your performance. Remember that completing the ten projects in this manual will help you receive your Competent Leader award.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Meeting Recap: October 20, 2012

Lambs to Lions had it's first themed meeting of the year based on Halloween!

Halloween- a celebration mostly associated with costumes, trick-or-treating and a hint of supernatural in the air. While we didn't have all that in our 'Halloween' themed meeting, we still had a fun-filled meeting.

Stephen, our Toastmaster for the meeting, started the meeting by giving everyone a few safety tips to keep in mind while celebrating Halloween. And Susan kept everyone entertained with her Halloween related questions in the Table Topics session.


We had two prepared speeches in this meeting.

Surekha introduced herself to the club with her fun Icebreaker speech "Terms of Endearment". (Speech no. 1 from the Competent Communication Manual)

Tiffany spoke about the necessity of a balanced and routine diet in her speech "Sugar Scare". (Speech no. 3 from the Competent Communication Manual)

Elizabeth took some time in the meeting to hold a little interactive brainstorming and learning session called "Coach's Corner" which helped everyone understand the basic components that went into crafting a speech.
The audience suggested the theme of the impromptu speech as "Why is reading books important?" Surekha was brave enough to speak on the topic for almost 5 minutes.



- Bhushan said that our club was planning more Event-themed and social meetings in the future.

- Jocelyn encouraged members to speak till they see the green card when they participate in future Table Topic sessions.

- Elizabeth said that our club will be starting "Birthday Toasts". In order to enhance the family atmosphere of our club, members are encouraged to share their birthday information. During meetings close to your birthday, another member will make a toast to you.

Toastmaster Area 45 Governor, Nikesh and Club Co-founder Susan.

- Nikesh, the Area 45 Governor, visited our club officially for the the first time on October 20. He wanted to see how our club was doing, whether we needed help and to share some news.
  • He congratulated our club members who participated and won in the Area Contest that was held on October 15. For more information, feel free to look at this post.
  • He also informed us about the District 86 Fall Conference that will be happening in mid-November. The conference gives you a chance to listen to experienced keynote speakers and champion speakers.
  • He encouraged us to participate in the "Go Outside of your Club" contest. Club members are encouraged to visit other clubs in the area and participate in their meetings. Not only are there small prizes to be won, but you'll benefit from speaking in front of an unknown audience.

Sunday, October 21, 2012


As you know we had two of our club members participate in the Humorous Speech & Table Topics Contest Area Contest on Monday, October 15th. They had to compete against representatives from seven other clubs.

And we are proud to say that both our club representatives did great at the Area Contest.


In the Humorous Speech section of the contest, Jocelyn won Second Place.


In the Table Topics section of the contest, Bhushan won First Place. He will be moving on to represent Area 45 in the Division C Contest.

Once again, Good Job and Congratulations to the both of you!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Humorous Speech & Table Topics Contest Area Contest
(Area 42 & Area 45, Division C, District 86 Toastmasters)

When is the contest?
Monday, October 15, 2012

Where is the contest being held?
Mississauga Central Library, CL# 3

What time does it start?
Registration starts at 6:15 p.m.
How long is the contest?
Roughly 3 hours with breaks.

Is there an Entry Fee? 
Yes. $5
Why should you attend?
*You'll be able to see speakers from eight different clubs compete.
*You'll be supporting our clubs's representatives in the contest.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Lambs to Lions Toastmasters Club, Mississauga, would like to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving.

Reminder for club members:
*  The Area Contest is on October 15, from 6-9 pm at the Mississauga Central Library CL3. Our club contest winners Jocelyn and Bhushan will be representing our club in the contest, so be sure to support them if you can make it to the contest.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Meeting Recap: September 15, 2012


For the Humorous speech contest, we had three contestants- Ryoko, Pearl and Jocelyn.

For the Table Topics contest, we had two contestant- Bhushan and Issa.

The order of the speakers in both contests was chosen by means of lottery when the judges went out of the room for their pre-contest briefing.

The order for the Humorous speeches was
1- Ryoko with her speech "My Multi-cultural Experiences"
2- Pearl with her speech "You don't need a Plant to be a Gardener"
3- Jocelyn with her speech "My War on Chips"

The Table Topics theme was "Admiration" and the speaker's order was
1- Bhushan
2- Issa

After the contestants were interviewed and judges' votes were counted, we finally found out our contest winners.

The Final Rankings

Humorous Speech Contest
2. Ryoko
3. Pearl

Table Topic Contest
1. Bhushan
2. Issa

A big Thank You to:
- Our contestants for participating and making this contest a success.

- Our members and guests who gave our contestants a supportive audience.

- All our judges
Jeff as Chief Judge for Humorous Speech Contest
Patricia as Chief Judge from COMET for Table Topics Contest
Niel from Trillium Toastmasters

Congratulations to our First Place Winners- Jocelyn and Bhushan.

We wish the both of you the best of luck when you represent our club in the Area Contest, which will be held on Monday, October 15 from 6pm to 9pm at the Mississauga Central Library.

Club members are welcome to attend the Area Contest to support both our winners and to experience the contest.



- We cancelled the meeting on October 6th, 2012 due to lack of meeting space. The Library will be closed for renovations.

Meeting Recap: September 1, 2012

Even though it was a long weekend, members still took the time to attend this meeting and make it a success.


We had three wonderful prepared speeches.

Ryoko gave us a fun and memorable Icebreaker speech. (Speech no. 1 from the Competent Communication Manual)

Tiffany gave us an educational and informative speech about the benefits of Green Choices. (Speech no. 2 from the Competent Communication Manual)

Raj gave us an interesting and persuasive speech where he assumed the role of President of a Rail company. (Speech no 3. from the Advanced Communication Manual)



-  Last year's Club President, Jocelyn, informed us about the two awards our club won this year and presented us with the two blue ribbons.
*Select Distinguished Club Award
*Beat the Clock Award

- We discussed the 2012 Humorous and Table Topic contest which was being held on September 15.